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Number: 1906
Position: Blocker/Team Captain
Date Joined: 09/01/2013
Why I Joined Derby: I watched "Whip It" in high school, and my best friend took me to a Miami’s Vice City Rollers game. We went to a recruitment day sometime after and joined the junior team, Miami’s Lil’ Miss Demeanors, during our senior year.
Outside of Derby: I play video games, make art, and make music (skill level in each of those: questionable)
Best Derby Memory: I love all my derby memories, but if I had to pick one, it would be jamming for the first time at my first game and actually scoring points (the brujeria worked!).
Fave Quote: "Screams of fear and over-anticipated pain only to realize there was no pain, but the yelping is an impulse anyway."

Number: 1616
Position: Blocker/Jammer
Date Joined: 05/19/2013
Why I Joined Derby: I was talking with a girlfriend of mine about really needing a hobby after both going through break-ups with our long-term boyfriends. We both remembered really enjoying roller skating as kids, and when I picked a pair of "retro" style skates from Kerjean Sports, the owner gave me a flyer for an open house that same weekend. I had nothing to lose, and after my first introduction to the world of derby I knew right away I would really enjoy it.
Outside of Derby: I am an aspiring journalist and teacher at heart. I graduated from MDC and am continuing my studies in public relations at FIU. I am passionate about reading; anime, whiskey and tattoos (not in that order); having great conversation with friends and family; and enjoying the little pleasures of life.
Best Derby Memory: The time I fell in love with the team was watching my first bout in Daytona. My team did not give up; they kept getting back up and fought to the very end. It was very inspiring because, although it was a loss, they did not lose their heart.
Fave Quote: “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” —Plato

Number: 37
Position: Blocker/Jammer
Date Joined: 02/07/2016
Why I Joined Derby: I became enthralled with the sport after watching "Whip It" in 2010. The athleticism drew me in, and the camaraderie keeps me coming back. Plus, it's super fun.
Outside of Derby: I have an amazing daughter, and I'm in a great relationship with her father- those two are my heart and my home. I work as a surgical coordinator at an OB/GYN office, and I'm a food and cooking enthusiast. My ideal soundtrack is a very particular lineup that includes The Beatles, Nirvana, The Doors, and Bob Marley, just to name a few.
Best Derby Memory: I'm only at the start of my derby journey, but so far, jamming in a scrimmage has been the most memorable experience.
Fave Quote: "I am the most exaggerated exaggerator in the history of exaggeration."

*Out on Injury*
Number: 23
Position: Blocker/Jammer
Date Joined: 10/13/2015
Why I Joined Derby: I used to quad figure skate growing up. I hadn't roller skated in over 15 years and had been wanting to take it up again (I guess once a skater always a skater!). I found out about MVCR, met the team, and was hooked.
Outside of Derby: I am an uber science nerd by day and manage a science education program at FIU. I enjoy traveling with my hubby, learning new things, reading, watching movies, and dancing.
Best Derby Memory: I am still pretty new to derby and love learning new things every week. One of my best memories of derby is jamming for the first time during practice. Everything we train for just came together and made sense: most fun ever!
Fave Quote: "Look at a stone cutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred-and-first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before." — Jacob A. Riis

Number: 33
Position: Blocker/Jammer
Date Joined: 02/10/2016
Why I Joined Derby: I’ve always been one to play sports and hearing about roller derby instantly sparked my interest. It’s all about female empowerment. We’re a group of strong women unifying and working towards our goals together as a team, as a family.
Outside of Derby: I’m an aspiring filmmaker and writer. I’m working to provide representation for POC and the queer community, through platforms like Youtube.
Best Derby Memory: Probably when we first started getting into game play and strategies. It’s exciting getting a small taste of what a real bout will be like!!
Fave Quote: “Be a voice, not an echo” –Albert Einstein

Number: 9669
Position: Blocker
Date Joined: 07/01/2016
Why I Joined Derby:
Outside of Derby:
Best Derby Memory:
Fave Quote:
*Out on Injury*

Number: 12
Position: Blocker/Jammer
Date Joined: 10/02/2016
Why I Joined Derby: A few years back, I saw the movie “Whip-it” and decided this might just be my new sport. I love the physical part of it- its not an easy sport- but I’ve really fallen in love with the team. It’s great to be part of a group of strong women who know how to take a hit, on and off the track.
Outside of Derby: I do lots of things, most of them in the company of either my husband, one of our 4 children, or all of them together. I am a photographer and an artist. Creativity is what’s up at my house, a 5-acre park-like piece of land that we recently moved to that is all my dreams come true.
Best Derby Memory: I’ve only played one game. So, I would have to say the is the highlight- my first game!
Fave Quote:

Number: 808
Position: Blocker/Jammer
Date Joined: 02/10/2016
Why I Joined Derby: I first learned about roller derby from an episode of "CSI" and thought, these chicks are pretty bad… ahem… well, you know. Even though I loved the idea of roller derby, it wasn’t until I came across a post emphasizing the instant sisterhood that I decided to take the plunge. I instantly fell in love and my only regret since is not joining sooner.
Outside of Derby: (There are things outside of derby?) I’m a business ninja by day and mother to three awesome boys (no really, they’re awesome). On the weekends you can find me by the sea. I’m in love with all things adventure sports and in my spare time I like to… just kidding, I don’t know what this spare time thing is.
Best Derby Memory: First time blocking during practice. You never forget your first hit…
Fave Quote: Confucius say: Man who say it cannot be done should not interrupt man doing it.